Friday, September 28, 2012

Color Palette

My color palette from a picture of the northern lights. A problem I ran into while making this when I was unable to move the color boxes around. Finally with some help, I found out that the chain links were off which was causing the problem. I am very happy with how it ended up turning out. It's a very beautiful picture to work from!

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Color Wheel

The color wheel project that shows the different color theories

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

The Principles and Elements of Design

This chart was made to practice the principles and elements of design. Above the squares represent texture, line rhythm and movement, line variety and emphasis, organic shape, geometric shape, pattern of shapes. overlapping shapes, value and tone, and contrast.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Banner Art

My banner which features an elephant (My favorite animal) which I feel goes along with my blog name Anna Ellie, even though Ellie is short for my middle name Elizabeth.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Juxtaposition Photoshop

This project was very fun for me to do. The pictures I put together are an ocean horizon, a starry sky, a paint pallet, cheerios, a spoon, pancakes, and Elvis himself playing the ukulele. I am really happy with how the sky turned, the paint is my favorite part!

Monday, September 10, 2012

Baby Elephant

I used a picture of a baby elephant to create this drawing. I enjoyed using the pen tool, and it was much less frustrating because I had gotten a hang of the technique.

Pen Tool Car

Using the pen tool, I designed a red car with a line in the background to show the road. This project was also difficult for the sole reason that I wasn't used to the tools and techniques required. The project helped me practice using the different tools to prepare myself for the elephant tracing project I did next.

Practicing the Pen Tool

Using the pen tool for the first time took some getting used to. I am uploading this work from last week, and now that I've had more practice, they look badly done. At first it was difficult for me to simply manage the tool bar because I didn't know where some tools where, and the uses for others.

Bitmap Sun and Mermaid

For the bitmap icon art I made a sun and a mermaid. For the first one I made, the sun, I had trouble working with the layers to center the sun in the middle of the page. I ended up deciding it was nice slightly off to the side anyways. I enjoyed experimenting with pixels in this project.